Big Brother Frank and Little Brother Anthony have been matched for over three years, since July of 2018.
After Frank and Anthony met, Anthony moved into a foster home. But no matter what happens in Anthony’s life, his Big Brother Frank has always been there for him. Before COVID, they would see each other consistently at least twice a month. They would attend BBBS match events, such as fishing clinics and pumpkin carvings, plus bowling and putt-putt golf. When they had to put a pause on in-person activities, Frank continued to call Anthony every week. Frank wanted Anthony to know that his Big Brother would always be there for him.
Frank has found creative ways to keep Anthony engaged over the phone with science experiments and writing short stories. Anthony was so excited to share these fun activities with his Match Support Specialist and even gave them step-by-step directions for the experiment. Lately, the two have gotten back into writing short stories with their most recent short story called “Living Tacos.” Anthony dictated the five-page story over several phone calls, and Frank helped him by typing it up.
The story is about a magic chef who creates living tacos that get kidnapped and taken to the moon by an evil wizard. But the magic chef makes another special living taco named David and sends him to the moon to rescue the others! In the end, David the special taco realized “a great truth, that evil cannot defeat evil. Only love can defeat evil!”
Frank’s relationship with Anthony has empowered Anthony to remain resilient despite the challenges he has faced. Anthony knows his Big Brother will always be a consistent friend, no matter what. Frank was excited to get vaccinated so that he and Anthony could plan their first outing in over a year. Both are excited to see each other again because no matter what they do together, these two always manage to have fun!
Anthony is truly on his way to reaching his fullest potential with support from his Big Brother Frank. Want to be a shoulder to lean on for a kid in our community? Become a mentor or Big, and you can help a child like Anthony reach their full potential with just a few hours of your time each month.