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April Conversation Starters 2023

By April 1, 2023Resources
April Conversation Starters

Do you need some ideas for things to talk to your Little about? Check out our April Conversation Starters to help you and your Little learn about new topics and discover new hobbies and interests. 

National Humor Month – What makes you laugh? How about your Little? Tell some jokes together or look some up!

International Guitar Month – Do either you or your Little play the Guitar? Check out some guitar solos on YouTube.

Keep America Beautiful Month – What are some beautiful places in FL and other states that you have been to or would love to travel to? Make a Bucket list together, Share some of your Travel Pics, or research some of the most beautiful landscapes in the USA. Discuss ways to keep America beautiful.

Move More Month – Find an easy YouTube stretching video or easy exercise video to try together.

Stress Awareness Month – Does your Little get stressed? If so, how often, what makes them stressed? Talk about strategies to relieve stress. Try a meditation or yoga video together.

National Poetry Month – Find some poems to recite to one another or make your own Haiku.

April 4th Easter – Does your Little celebrate Easter? If so how? Color or creative Easter Eggs together.

April 4th is World Party Day – What makes the best party? What are good things to celebrate? A fun group activity would be to plan a party with an unlimited budget and we can each go around and add something fun for our party.

April 7th is World Health Day – What do you/your parents do to stay healthy? What is something you can change daily to become healthier? Why is it so important to stay healthy?  What are some jobs that help people stay healthy? Would you like to go into a field that helps people stay healthy?

April 8th is Zoo Lover’s Day – Research the most popular Zoos in the world, the pros and cons of zoos, or what it takes to be a Zookeeper. Is it a job that you would like?

April 10th is National Siblings Day – Do you have any siblings? What are the pros and cons of being an only child? Is it better to be an older, middle, or younger sibling? What is the best thing about your sibling? What is your favorite thing to do with your sibling? What do you think your sibling will be when they grow up? Come up with a list of popular books/shows/movies that feature siblings.

April 13th is International Plant Appreciation Day and  April 14th is National Gardening Day (April is also Gardening Month) – Discuss different plants and take a “can you name this plant” quiz together. Discuss the pros and cons of having a garden. Discuss the benefits of gardening. Discuss differences and similarities of having a flower or fruit/veggie garden.

April 14th is National Dolphin Day – Check out some neat facts about dolphins and watch “A Dolphins Tale” story if you haven’t already.

April 21st is National Kindergarten Day – What do you remember most about being in K? Who was your K teacher? Did you like them why or why not? What makes a good K teacher? Would you like to be a K teacher and why/why not?

April 22nd is Earth Day – Check out this video about Earth Day. What can you do to participate in Earth Day?

April 25 is National Telephone Day – What do you do most on the phone? (Text, call, email, games) Why are phones important? How would your life be different if you couldn’t take your phone with you places? How would your life be different if you didn’t have a phone at all? How would you communicate, plan things, get help in an emergency?  Look up some pictures of the first phones and see how far our technology has come!

April 28 is National Superhero Day – Who is your favorite Superhero? If you had a superpower what would it be? Would You Rather Questions “Xray vision or flight, super strength or super speed,” etc. Design your own superhero costume.

April 24th is Arbor Day – Research this day together. Why is it important to plant trees? Can you imagine your neighborhood or favorite park without trees? What would that be like? Do you have a favorite kind of tree? How many different types of trees can you think of?


Do you want to learn what it takes to become a Big? Learn more at our Big Orientation & Training info session. View the schedule.


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