This week our focus on a healthy lifestyle is activity. The benefits of an active lifestyle are extensive. Not only can it give you bigger muscles, but it can also improve your mood, give you an energy burst, and help maintain a strong immune system. Strengthening the muscles in your body is crucial to a longer and healthier life. So, whether you’re looking to get started with exercise or you are already a fitness fanatic, check out all the ways to stay fit—no matter what life throws at you.
The heart is the most important muscle in our body, and making sure it is healthy and in shape is key to overall wellness. The more activity you can do each week, the better, even if that means just a short walk outside. The most important part of staying active is finding something you enjoy doing. It can be as simple as taking a stroll in your neighborhood or throwing a football, or it can be a workout or a run. Each person is different, and finding something you love doing is crucial.
There are so many different activities that one can do for this week’s challenge. Try going for a walk outside! Aaptiv has bodyweight workouts you can do for an added challenge and does not require equipment. Try doing these a few times this week and a few times next week to see how much stronger you get. Bigs take a picture doing a workout with you Little and share it in the Big Networking group. Let us know which exercises or activities you tried.