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Match Story: Jacqueline & Yemi

By February 12, 2021Match Stories

Little Sister Jacqueline & Big Sister Yemi have been matched for over four years. Jacqueline has many siblings and cousins in her family and wanted a mentor who would spend one-on-one time exposing her to new activities and challenging her in her academics. Jacqueline was very quiet at first, but now she voices her opinion and speaks up for herself. She has also continued to improve her grades at school. Big Brothers Big Sisters has not only been an experience for Jacqueline but Yemi as well. Yemi was born in Nigeria and has also been able to try new activities alongside Jacqueline. Since they both were enjoying new experiences together, it helped Jacqueline feel comfortable in new settings. Jacqueline learned that she does not have to be perfect at everything. Jacqueline always shares how much fun she has with Yemi. Jacqueline hopes that she and Yemi will remain friends forever!

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