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Legacy Society

One of the most rewarding stories we encounter is when a former Little, often in their 30s or 40s, comes forward and says, ‘I wouldn’t be where I am today, had it not been for my Big who helped keep me on the right track’.

Those stories inspire our supporters to not only make a donation to make an impact on a child today, but many are committed to making a difference for generations to come. A planned gift is a way to ensure your legacy of supporter.

There are many planned giving options to choose from: perhaps a bequest or beneficiary designation in your retirement plan or life insurance, a living trust, annuities, or real estate gifts. Some may offer tax breaks or the potential to increase your income. You can become a member of our Legacy Society by simply notifying us if you plan to include Big Brothers Big Brothers of Tampa Bay in your estate plans. We host a variety of Legacy Society events throughout the year to keep you connected to our Littles, and informed on how your investment will change lives, for the better, forever.

For questions, contact Dawn Kuhn, or (727) 687-9190

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