Little Sister Litzy got to see her shoes in action as the BBBS Ambassador rocked the cleats during the December 2nd victory over the Carolina Panthers
Each year, over 800 NFL players showcase causes they believe in by wearing custom designed cleats as part of the league’s #MyCauseMyCleats campaign. More than 50 Tampa Bay Buccaneers players, including Big Brothers Big Sisters Ambassador Lavonte David, wore special cleats in the Dec. 2 win over the Carolina Panthers. Each year, David asks Littles from BBBS of Tampa Bay to submit designs for his cleats, then picks the winner.
David said, “I’m a National Ambassador for Big Brothers Big Sisters because I wholeheartedly believe in their mission. I really relate to the kids in this program because I had a similar upbringing and the mentorship that BBBS provides is just what they need. I really respect the BBBS mentors’ commitment to helping these kids reach their full potential.”
This year, Lavonte picked Little Sister Litzy’s design. For submitting the winning entry, Litzy and her family got a tour of One Buc Place and then met with the star linebacker to pose for photos with the shoes. Litzy and her family also got to attend the game, where she could see the custom cleats in action and even got a pre-game sideline pass to meet with Lavonte and several of his teammates on the field.
After the game, the cleats go up for auction by the NFL and 100% of the proceeds from the auction will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters.
You can bid on the custom cleats through December 30th here.