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October Conversation Starters

By October 3, 2022October 13th, 2022Resources

October is a time for sweaters, costumes, gourds and more! Remember, the first quarter of school ends in mid-October. Ask your Little how they feel like they are doing in school so far. What could they do to bring grades up next quarter?

-October 3rd is National Child Health Day-What does your Little do to stay healthy? Talk about things that your Little can do to be even more healthy.

-October 5th is National Do Something Nice Day-What is something nice that your Little has done for someone else lately? Write a card to someone just to let them know you appreciate them. Do an extra chore at home. Do something nice for your community.

-October 7th is World Smile Day! What makes you smile? Draw a picture of something that makes you smile. What do you to do make others smile?

-Oct 14th is World Egg Day. Do you like eggs? How do you like to eat them? They are healthy and full of protein. How many animals can you think of that lay eggs?

-Oct 14th is National Dessert Day! What is your favorite dessert? Ice cream, pie, cake, cookies? Do you know someone who loves to bake? Do you like to help? What is your favorite thing to bake? Design a cake or a new, crazy flavor of ice cream.

-October 17th is National Pasta Day! Spaghetti, Fettuccini, Ravioli, Macaroni. Do you like pasta? What is your favorite? Check out this link on the history of pasta!

-October 20th is National Youth Confidence Day-What is something your Little is really good at? Have them teach you all about it!

-October 25th is International Artist Day. What kind of Art do you like to do? Drawing, Painting, Making Jewelry, Music, Poetry? Who inspires you to make art? Who do you know that makes art? Do you have a favorite artist? Show your Little your art and ask them to share with you!

-Halloween is coming up! Is your Little participating? If so, how? Dressing up? Trick or Treating? Remind your Littles about Halloween safety (stay with a group or adult, check candy, food allergies, pumpkin carving etc.)

-Talk about your favorite candy! Invent your own candy bars. Draw a picture of the wrapper design.

-This is a spooky time of year with scary images and movies. What are some things that scare you? Spiders, snakes, ghosts, heights, the dark? Ask your Little if they are afraid of anything.

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