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Nominate your favorite generational mentoring movie for a chance to win!

By February 11, 2018In The News

Gen2Gen, a national organization that matches senior citizens with youth mentors, is hosting the Movies and Mentors competition


Who is your favorite movie mentor? Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid? Yoda in Star Wars? Movie mentors are an integral part of movie culture. That is why Gen2Gen, a national organization that matches senior citizens with youth mentors, is hosting the Movies and Mentors competition.

All you have to do is nominate your favorite movie featuring a Gen2Gen mentoring relationship. Once you have nominated your movie you will be entered to win $500 in movie tickets! Not sure how to choose your favorite? Host a watch party where you can watch your favorite Gen2Gen mentoring movies with your friends! It’s a great opportunity to talk about intergenerational mentoring while choosing the best movie to nominate. You can nominate your favorite Gen2Gen mentoring movie here. The deadline to nominate your movie is February 22nd. Voting for the top pick will run from March 6th-March 27th, and winners will be announced on April 10th!

If you think mentors only make a big difference on the big screen, hear about this Match with Big Brothers Big Sisters

Growing up with an abusive father, Roy vowed that he would be different — a promise he kept with his own kids. But when his two sons left home, Roy found the nest awfully empty. He babysat for his three granddaughters, served at his church, and took up new hobbies, but nothing seemed to fill the void.

After reading about Big Brothers Big Sisters in the paper, Roy decided to sign up. He was matched with Cahill, a 12-year-old boy with Asperger’s Syndrome who often struggled with social interactions.

Despite some awkward outings at the beginning, the two ended up bonding over superheroes and video games, enjoying time at the lake and trips to the state fair together. Roy watched Cahill’s attitude change from “I’m only doing this because my parents are making me” to excitedly bursting out the front door whenever his truck approached.

Five years later, at age 17, Cahill still enjoys spending time with Roy. “What began as an attempt to find purpose in my life,” Roy says, “has evolved into what might become a life-long friendship between Cahill and the ‘dude.’”

Nine million young people are growing up without a mentor in their lives. You can make a big difference for one of them. Learn more about becoming a Big here.

And don’t forget to nominate your favorite Gen2Gen mentoring movie!

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