You may have read about the CARES Act, which provides financial support to businesses and families impacted by COVID-19. The CARES Act has a provision for donors like you, who want to know how they can help during these unpredictable times.
Our need for services has grown as the children and families served by Big Brothers Big Sisters face increased anxiety and stress due to the pandemic. Your investment in one-to-one mentoring relationships is more critical than ever to help build resilience among youth in our community.
Here’s what the CARES Act $300 ‘nonitemizer’ deduction for 2020 means for you:
- It went into full effect beginning Friday, March 27, and will apply to donations made for all of 2020.
- This applies to you if you do not itemize your taxes.
- If you do itemize your taxes, you are eligible for a charitable deduction at 100% of your adjusted gross income.
- This only applies to cash donations (not in-kind contributions)
- This does not apply to Donor Advised Funds
Please consider making a much-needed donation of $300 (or more) today. You can easily donate online or mail a check to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, 4630 Woodland Corporate Boulevard #160 Tampa, FL 33614