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get a big

Enrolling your child in our program

Here is the basic criteria to enroll your child in our program:

1. Your family must live in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk, Pasco, Citrus, Hernando, Sumter, Marion or Alachua counties.

2. Your child must be between the ages of five (and enrolled in kindergarten) and 13 years old.


To learn more about the eligibility criteria and to sign your child up for a Big, contact us:

Enroll A Child


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay has two unique programs that offer different ways for children to see and interact with their mentors, or Bigs. 


In this program, volunteers meet with their Little Brother or Little Sister one hour a week at a near-by school or after-school site. (Check with your employer; some businesses encourage staff to volunteer by offering ‘volunteer hours’.)  We ask for volunteers to commit to at least 12 months, most stay in the program even longer!


This program allows you the opportunity to pick up your Little Brother or Little Sister at the child’s home and spend time in the community. Outings can range from going for a walk, working on arts and crafts, taking a bike ride, or watching a sporting event. Remember, it’s not the money you spend, but the time spent doing activities you both enjoy. Our agency also provides free or reduced-priced tickets to various events in the community. In the Community-Based program, volunteers spend at least eight hours with their Little, either on the weekend or other convenient times.

Our Child Safety Standards

The safety of your child is your highest priority. It’s no different at Big Brothers Big Sisters. Making the best possible match between Little and Big is critical to the growth and development of a child. But before we begin the matching process, we start by thoroughly screening potential Bigs.

Big Brothers Big Sisters National Standards of Excellence require each volunteer to complete an extensive screening process that includes the completion of a formal written application; background and reference checks; an in-person interview; and an orientation and training process that outlines the individualized needs of your child

Big Brothers Big Sisters also provides child safety tips to you and your child, and we welcome your questions and feedback. Throughout the life of the match, our professional staff will be in ongoing communication with you, your child, and your child’s Big. It’s the best way to build a strong relationship that will have the greatest impact on your child’s future success.

When it comes to the future of our children and the well-being of our communities, we’re all in this together. So it should come as no surprise that we need the parents and guardians of Littles to be involved every step of the way, starting with the initial match.

Not only will you provide information about your child’s strengths and needs, but you’ll also approve the selection of the Big Brother or Big Sister. Once the match is made, you remain closely involved in many ways, including:

Approving activities and outings for your child and their Big
Asking your child questions about those outings, and sharing what you learn with the agency staff
Reporting your child’s progress and milestones to the agency on a regular basis (Big Brothers Big Sisters will contact you, but we welcome your feedback any time)
Communicating with your child about the training they receive. 

Start Safety Training
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