Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay aims to take 70 kids off their waiting list this summer and match them with mentors who will change their lives for the better, forever.
Kids in our community are standing still, waiting for a mentor. The End the Big Wait campaign aims to end that wait for 70 kids on Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay’s waiting list and match them with mentors who will defend their potential.
It costs about $1,500 to provide a child with a mentor through BBBS Tampa Bay for one year—covering background checks, fingerprinting, training volunteers, and ongoing support services that are the key to ensuring that each match between a Big and a Little will be successful.
The long-term success of these matches is in our numbers. In 2018:
- 97% of kids in our program went on to the next grade level
- 98% had zero involvement with the Department of Juvenile Justice
- 99% are less likely to be involved with drugs
- 70% maintained or improved their self-esteem
- 74% maintained or improved their educational aspirations
Your generous support now empowers kids in our community to realize their potential. Let’s make today the day we end the wait.