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Celebrate the Power of Mentoring During Big Brothers Big Sisters Month

By September 1, 2021September 22nd, 2021In The News

Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the United States and Canada will celebrate Big Brothers Big Sisters Month throughout the month of September. Our volunteer mentors support 41,000 youth in Canada and 109,254 in the United States. Big Brothers Big Sisters nationally has 230+ agencies in over 5,000 communities in all 50 states. Big Brothers Big Sisters Month — first founded by our neighbors to the north in Canada — recognizes the “critical importance of mentoring relationships, especially now, when our commitment to young people and the essential intervention service we provide is being challenged like never before.”

We aim to inspire youth from five through young adulthood. The pandemic has tested our collective resolve for more than a year now, but our kids, staff, and volunteers have shown strength and resiliency. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the agility of program stakeholders, we were able to quickly and easily transition to a virtual environment. Kids are less likely to feel isolated and depressed when they have a consistent adult they can count on.

The numbers show that overall our matches are lasting longer than ever, with “typical Site-Based matches lasting nearly one and a half years – 34% longer than the average match length 10 years ago.”

Additionally, our Littles surveyed nationally last year made qualitative improvements in the eight outcome areas: Social Competence, Academic Performance/School Grades, Educational Expectations, Emotion Regulation, School Connectedness, Depressive Symptoms, Risky Behaviors – School Discipline, and Risky Behaviors – Bullying.

Ignite the power and promise of youth through one-to-one mentoring. Become a mentor or Big, and you can help a child reach their full potential with just a few hours of your time every month. It’s all about authenticity, and BBBS gives you access to trained staff to support your mentoring match. You don’t have to be perfect – just show up, be yourself, and have fun! #ItTakesAVillage

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