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Big Futures

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay’s Big Futures program serves Alumni Littles up to age 26 and their mentors with additional support and guidance in helping Littles make educational and career choices. The goal of the Big Futures program is that our Alumni Littles will be enrolled, employed, or enlisted after high school so they earn a living wage by age 26 through goal setting and accountability, resources that align with their goals, skill-building workshops and special events, and developing community relationships that result in unique education and career opportunities for Mentees. 

Become a Community Partner

We are building an army of professionals in our community to rally around our youth. Connections in post-secondary education, corporations, small businesses, and more are invited to stand together with us in clearing a path for our youth to reach their goals. Contact us to discuss how you and your organization can ignite the potential of their BIG FUTURE!

Community Partners can get involved with:

  • in-kind donations or special discounts for mentees
  • access to business events for matches
  • specialized employment opportunities
  • scholarship and networking opportunities
  • pro bono services for mentees
  • special access to resources at higher education
  • workshops or presentations for matches by the partner
  • and more!

Why Big Futures?

Navigating life after high school can be challenging. Our Big Futures program provides additional services for matches helping Littles set and stay on an empowering path for life after high school, including career planning, enrolling in post-secondary education, assistance with financial aid, developing workplace skills, applying for scholarships, writing resumes, and applying for and interviewing for jobs.

How it Works

We defend potential in a few practical ways:

  • Goal setting and accountability
  • Directing matches to resources that align with set goals (scholarships, internships, jobs, etc.)
  • Workshops and special events for matches (Workshops open to 11th & 12th-grade Matches as well)
  • Developing Community Relationships that result in unique education and career opportunities for Mentees

Join the Program

Community-Based, Site-Based, or School-to-Work matches where the Little has graduated high school, will graduate high school in Spring of the current school year, or is 18 years of age or older and no longer in school.

Learn More

I have built and maintained deep connections with my mentor as have others in the program. We continue to bounce around ideas that lead to me continually evolving into a better and better self.

Big Futures Mentee Pedro

I would highly recommend the program. Once my Little graduated high school, I was under the impression that was the end of the line with the program, and getting him on to the next level was on me at that point. It was extremely helpful to have Big Futures step in to help me show Willie the options in front of him and how to obtain them.

Dean RobertsBig Brother for 12 years
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